Lisa Gonzales-Kramer, RPF, Sr. Director, Forest Carbon Development, leads Mast’s Forest Carbon Development team to restore post-catastrophic wildfire forests in the Intermountain West. Previously, Lisa worked as Project Manager for the Cuyamaca Reforestation Project, a California State Parks initiative to restore the native mixed conifer forest at the headwaters of three San Diego County watersheds. Being the first large-scale reforestation effort initiated after the 2003 Cedar Fire burned 10,000 acres of sky island forests, the iconic project is restoring watershed function and important habitat for mountain lions, bald and golden eagles and other rare and sensitive species. Lisa led the restoration project from planning and development through rigorous third-party verification to become the first forest carbon reforestation project on public lands to be registered with the Climate Action Reserve. Lisa led carbon funding negotiations with key partners and through an innovative blend of public-private partnerships; the project was partially financed by ex ante credits prior to the development of the Reserve’s current ex ante Climate Forward Methodology. Lisa was also instrumental in launching the first Native American Conservation Corps for California State Parks, a collaborative effort with local tribal nations and state and local agencies.